Bidding Resources

The AMA is dedicated to creating valuable bidding resources for the industry. In addition to the Universal Bid Form, other resources below contain important terms and conditions, forms, glossaries, agreements, and checklists that can be utilized when a member is bidding on a job. Please note that all AMA resources are templates can be modified at a member’s discretion to fit the particulars of each job and should be reviewed by the member’s legal advisor.

The two Terms and Conditions documents (found below) provide sample language of fair and equitable contractual terms that can be used with clients and ad agencies when engaging in a production. The AMA Terms and Conditions correspond directly to the Universal Bid Form (UBF) cover sheet.These Terms and Conditions templates are available for members to customize for their individual productions. They are meant to provide clarity of terms for the project and are not intended to provide legal advice. Members should consult with their legal advisors. 

The UBF and other resources are available to all, while others are only accessible to members. Information on joining is here.

Bidding Forms

  • Version 1: Productions where an Artist Representative has contracted a third party Producer defines the relationship between THREE parties: Artist Representative (representing the artist’s services), a Producer (representing the production services), and the Advertiser (which could be a direct client or ad agency).

    Link to PDF

    Link to DOCX

  • Version 2: Productions where the Artist Representative is managing the production themselves defines the relationship between TWO parties: Artist Representative (representing both the artist’s services and production) and the Advertiser (which could be a direct client or ad agency).

    Link to PDF

    Link DOCX

  • The UBF was created to help facilitate competitive bidding within our industry while keeping in mind the individual needs of businesses. The UBF provides our members with a template that can be used at members’ discretion to negotiate production line items including markup, insurance, and admin and other fees. Blank lines can be customized as needed.

    The UBF also includes a cover page template that members can customize to ensure that all of the necessary information is included when they are drafting their job descriptions. The UBF provides a common bidding standard for the industry. 

    This catalog is available through our partners Blinkbid and CiMS.

    If you have any questions or issues with the UBF, please email

    A note about Macros:The UBF was built in Excel, and Excel files utilize Macros, an automated input sequence that imitates keystrokes or mouse actions. When opening the Excel file, a pop-up window will appear asking if you want to Enable Macros. You must click Enable Macros for the UBF to function properly. If you click Disable Macros, we cannot guarantee the UBF will function correctly.

    Please note any person that elects to use this spreadsheet assumes all risk and responsibility with respect to such use including but not limited to resulting estimates or bids. AMA shall not be responsible for any errors, damages (direct, indirect or consequential), loss of profit, failures, injury, infringement or third-party claims, without limitation.

    Link to XLSX

Bidding Considerations

  • The AMA Terms and Conditions Glossary is meant to provide clarity of terms that are commonly seen within project contracts, MSAs, and scope of work documents. Terms and conditions found here also correspond directly to the AMA universal bid form cover sheet.

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  • The AMA recommends including the following details on the cover page of your bid/estimate. This list aligns with the AMA terms and conditions and is an exhaustive list of details needed for full clarification on an estimated project. This is also the same information you would need to request from a client in order to properly bid a project.

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  • The Artist Management Association created these resources in order to foster transparency, fairness, and collaboration between brands, agencies, artists and their representatives throughout the treatment process, as well as to ensure a productive and respectful engagement for all parties involved.

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Additional Resources